Bring your laptops, Azure passes, and Food & soft drinks

Hi folks,

Thanks for your interest to join us for this year's edition of the Global Azure Bootcamp. It's going to be exciting!

This  year we managed to secure a catering deal with Subway thanks to global  sponsorship by Microsoft. Right now, we have placed an order for 60  sandwiches - three different types for veg and non-veg attendees, and  we'll take care of soft drinks during the event, too.

Like in  previous years we were granted a batch of Azure passes with a value of  $80 USD that we would like to give out to you. This shall give you  direct access to Azure services and to be able to follow the samples ad  hoc. Plus there are a number of global sponsors that threw in some extra  goodies.

Speaking of goodies...Yeah, SWAG pack for Global Azure  Bootcamp arrived today and there will be giveaways for you. So you  better don't miss to attend this Saturday! ;-)

In case that you  absolutely can't make it, please update your RSVP status and offer your  place to someone else that will be able to attend instead. We put a  limit of 60 seats given the available space at the venue. Perhaps some  of your friends might like to join in...

And last but not least,  bring your laptop. If you could provide an extension cord with  multi-plug additionally, please do not hesitate and bring it along.

That's all for now... More details most probably on Friday.

Cheers, JoKi

Image credit: Azrul Aziz