Hi craftsmen!
Starting this year, we are going to send out a few newsletter throughout the year. This is the second, and we are highly interested in your feedback about the following aspects:
- Frequency: How often shall we inform you about something?
- Content: Is there any material that we should totally avoid or provide more details?
- Events from other user groups: Would that be relevant?
This newsletter has emphasis on the upcoming events that we're going to run or participate in as a partner. Please check your calendars and register yourself to enjoy the experience and fun in the community!
Without further ado, kindly see below.
Cheers, JoKi
MCB InovApp Challenge
The registration for the 2nd Public Edition of the InovApp challenge is now open. Check it out here: https://inovapp.mu/. Be quick registration closes this Sunday!

The Theme for this year’s public edition is: “Smart Mauritius: How would you support the local economy through digital?” - in line with the MCB initiative ‘Lokal is Beautiful’.
Latest updates on social media using #InovAppChallenge and #LokalIsBeautiful
The MCB InovApp Challenge aims to identify brilliant people and teams - including start-ups, students and SMEs - who can ally creativity, innovation and technology to design next-gen solutions for the Mauritian banking sector and for the country at large.
The ultimate aim of the competition is for each group to come up with a working prototype.
Developers Conference 2019
The most important conference in tech in Mauritius. This year marks the 5th edition of the Developers Conference.

Since 2015 we are in compliance with our goals. The conference is a free of charge, community-driven, three-days IT tech event in Mauritius. It’s an event full of business opportunities for supporters and professional networking among peers. Attendees can learn about latest software development technologies, methodologies, cloud services and infrastructure.
The Developers Conference is organised in partnership with other IT user
groups in Mauritius. The aim of the event is to provide local software developers a buffet of tools, practices and principles applicable to tackling current challenges in the Mauritian software development environment. From keeping up to date with the latest technologies and trends to tackling the challenges of working in large enterprise systems – it’s a buffet of experiences, ideas and pragmatic advice as well as an opportunity to connect with peers across the industry.
RSVP here before end of March: https://www.meetup.com/MauritiusSoftwareCraftsmanshipCommunity/events/258586831/
Latest updates on social media using #DevConMU
Global Azure Bootcamp 2019
The MSCC is glad to support the 7th edition of the Global Azure Bootcamp by hosting an event on Saturday 27th of April in Mauritius.

Azure Global Bootcamp is a free one-day global event organised entirely by users in the community for Azure users around the world who gathered to share essential Azure and Cloud Computing skills and ideas at the seventh annual Global Azure Bootcamp in 2019.
This is an educational event, and we want it to be an opportunity for everyone to gain new skills. The focus of the event is to teach essential Azure skills to anyone in the technology community who wants to advance their cloud knowledge and the goal of the event is to show people the benefits of Azure while strengthening the Azure community.
Book your date and register here: https://www.meetup.com/MauritiusSoftwareCraftsmanshipCommunity/events/255079108/
Latest updates on social media using #GAB2019
Image credit: Daniele Riggi